dimarts, 23 de juny del 2020


Two months after solving Windrive marriage murder Adolf von Bismarck and his wife Anne signed their divorce and Adolf married with Bianka Hoffman, his new associate in his private investigation company. Nine months later after their wedding they had a baby boy who they baptised as Karl Ernst Adam von Bismarck and they designated the Kent Police chief constable named Harry Barclay as his godfather.
The contract of Adolf and Anne's divorce gave her their house of Maldon, their BMW and all of the safe-keeping of their children also only up to their children eighth birthday where the safe-keeping would become into joint custody. So, Adolf and Bianka had to buy a grey Audi R8 car for them, a new house in Maldon and had to begin from the beginning again with their savings keeped in their bank from London.
That day of April Adolf had prepared the breakfast to Bianka who was breastfeeding Karl watching the television. Suddenly they received a phone call from Frankfurt. It was an old woman who had a granddaughter named Sara and was kidnapped by someone when he was coming back to her house after school.
She wanted to meet with Adolf to talk about it in his office that evening and Adolf and Bianka decided to call Harry and ordered him to take care of Karl whilst they would were in London talking with their first client.
Their lunch was very quiet. They listened to the radio to know what had happened the day before and at the tea time Adolf wanted to make the love with his wife Bianka whilst he was talking her about the morning phone call.
At four o'clock post meridiem, Harry arrived with his spouse and their children Diana and Gareth who were one year old approximately as his children with Anne Hatherwood who were named Mary and Ansgar. Adolf and Bianka gave thanks to Harry and they went out of their house.
Bianka had to drive their new car because his husband had a high short sightedness that was hampering him to drive. In fact, Adolf never did not drove when he was living with his first wife because of that and, for this reason, his BMW was given to Anne.
The traffic jam was very full: the outskirts of London were full of cars, buses, lorries and motorbikes that wanted to go to the main city of UK to do orders or were coming back to their houses after a long and busy working day.
While they were arriving at their office, the Deutsche Bahn ICE 3 finished to cross the English Channel and arrived at half past five at St. Pancrass International Railway Station. Mrs. Kirchner went out of her locker and some minutes later, went out also of the railway station. She took a taxi and at six o'clock she arrived at the boulevard where Bismarck's firm was.
She knocked the door and Bianka opened it. Mrs. Bismarck asked her her name and when she met the name of their client Adolf wanted to welcomed her too. They sat in a comfortable but small meeting room and he began to ask her what had happened the day of the kidnapping and if Sara had someone that wished her death.
"No, but I know someone who is wishing my death!" answered Mrs. Kirchner.
"Who is wishing your death?" asked Bianka offering her a cup of tea with milk which was accepted by their client who was a bit nervous.
"My younger son named Paul Kirchner!" she begun to explain. "Paul Kirchner is a businessman who have illegal business with the Minister of Economy, my ex-husband Martin Moritz. I have a debt with him and he threaten my husband to not give him a hand and solve his financial problems if he don't get a million and a half of my fortune to pay it!" she finished.
"And do you tell it to your older son?" asked Adolf who was being interested in that issue and being wished to solve it.
"No; I think my older son named Albert Kirchner is involved in too!" Mrs. Kirchner yelled.
"Ok. We know it. We will try to help you. We accept the case!" Adolf and Bianka exclaimed.
When she finished to answer his questions he ordered to Bianka to buy two round trip boarding passes to Frankfurt and while Mrs. Kirchner and his wife were remaining in London waiting for him, he came back to their house by train to prepare the luggage and to order to Harry to take care of Karl for two weeks and a half, the time that they would spend investigating the kidnapping in Frankfurt.
At 21:00 p.m. the Deutsche Bahn ICE 3 came back to Germany carrying them inside the train. The train arrived at Frankfurt at 2:00 a.m. and Mrs. Kirchner said goodbye to Bismarck marriage who went to their hotel to rest after a long and exhausted travel and to sleep some hours before beginning the first day of the investigation.
They woke up at eight o'clock ante meridiem and they went to eat something for breakfast. After that, they went to visit their client.
Her house was at the outskirts of Frankfurt; Bianka rent a car, a blue Volkswagen to use it in Germany while they were solving the mystery: their parents were living there, at the same city they were; so, at the ending of the case, she would visit them with him, but before that, they had to solve the kidnapping.
Bianka and Adolf arrived in Mrs. Kirchner's manor house at half past ten. She was reading a letter which was written by the kidnapper: the guilty had threatened her that would kill her granddaughter if she did not gave to it one million and a half of euros of her fortune.
As she was a forensic surgeon before being the new associate of her husband, when she could read it, she discovered that the kidnapper had write the note by computer. However its type of signature was from a man and not from a woman.
They asked to Mrs. Kirchner if they could to see her granddaughter's bedroom and the old woman accepted it.
She had the keys in her bedroom, so, she went to take it and to open Sara's door... When she arrived, she had find a corpse in her room: it was her butler! Some minutes later, she yelled and Adolf went to see what had happened.
When Adolf had find the victim ordered to his wife to do the autopsy to know the time of its death: "Approximately it was an hour ago, who have been killed by the same person who have kidnapped Mrs. Kirchner's granddaughter!" Mrs. Bismarck said him.
They went out of the mansion without saying goodbye to their client. Before arriving at the motorway, they found a black car parked near a forest. Adolf went out of their newest vehicle and investigated that suspicious van.
Whilst Adolf and Bianka were searching some clues in the van, someone who had been killed Kirchner's butler while she was talking with Bismarck marriage, went out of Kirchner's bedroom, took a sword and murdered Mrs. Kirchner too.
The murderer, after doing that, went to the side where it had been leaved its car. However, as Adolf von Bismarck was investigating its vehicle, the guy decided to go to the forest and wait some minutes there before marriage Bismarck leaved the scene of the crime. As he was tired, he began to sleep some hours.
Near the forest, inside of the van, Adolf saw a young girl body. The girl had been killed with a knive by someone. He wanted to come back to Mrs. Kirchner's house but before, he wrote down the number plate of the van in a piece of paper.
Mrs. Bismarck took some photographs of the body and of the suspicious car to use it as a proof and to show to the police their discovery. After that, Adolf and Bianka came into their rent car and decided to go to visit again Mrs. Kirchner to tell it their feat and to eat something before to ask for help to bundespolizei.
The marriage Bismarck arrived at Kirchner's residence and knocked the door. As Sara's grandmother did not opened it, Mr. Bismarck took his gun and he shoot some minutes to open the door. After three hours of doing it, they came into to Kirchner's mansion and had find her corpse: she had been killed by someone with a sword; the killer had forgotten the gloves. They took it and went to the police station.
Nevertheless, as three hours before, before arriving at the motorway they found the black suspicious van; however, Adolf when he went to see its inside, he did not found the young girl corpse. He decided to remain there while his wife would go to the police station to give the proofs and analyze the gloves.
While Bianka was in the police station talking about the case with a young police officer, the chief constable of Frankfurt and its German State, sent a bundespolizei police car with two agents to the scene of the crime and to protect Mr. Bismarck.
They saw him fighting with the suspicious of the killing. They arrested him and they took Adolf and the kidnapper to the police station to ask to the man some questions about the killing and his relation with it.
Bianka and Adolf listened the conversation some hours and before finishing to ask him the questions, Adolf wished to ask him some more issues to try to know all the truth. However, the guilty did not want to answer him his wishes.
"Please, I want to help you!" said Adolf. "So, answer me this issue: any member of Kirchner's family ordered you to do it?" Adolf asked him and offered him the last cup of coffee to drink and the last biscuits to eat before the dinner.
"Yes. Sara's uncle wished to kill his mother because he needed some money for his firm. However, his mother Elisabeth Kirchner did not want to give him the amount of money that her younger son wished because she knew that his business was not legal. Sara knew his plan to kill his mother and she try to prevent it. Sara's uncle decided to kidnap his niece and try to convince her not to do it. As Sara Kirchner did not want to chance her point of view, ordered me to threaten to his mother to get the money. Elisa did not want it and in the end I had to kill Elisabeth and Sara. I buried Sara in the forest and I try to go out with the van; however you try to stop me fighting against me. You got your wishes and bundespolizei have arrested me!" he answered and later on, a policeman closed him in a police station cell.
The forensic bundespolizei discovered some fingerprints in the gloves. When Bianka met the results, told to Adolf the latest news: Sara's father was involved in! They decided to ask to their only main suspicious if he knew that. However, he did not had meet it.
Sara's father was living in Berlin and Sara's uncle in Dortmund. The commissioner ordered to Adolf to go to Dortmund by train to visit Sara's uncle with two police officers and also ordered to Bianka to go to Berlin to ask some questions to Sara's father by their rent car with two bundespolizei policemen.
As Adolf couldn't visit Sara's uncle called the chief constable and the commissioner ordered to Bianka to come back to Frankfurt and rest there while her husband was trying to know what had happened with him.
Some days after it, Dortmund bundespolizei agents found Paul Kirchner corpse floating in the waters of the Ruhr river in the south of the city. Moreover, they knew that Albert Kirchner was been killed by someone also and that one was the suspicious who Frankfurt bundespolizei chief constable had arrested with Adolf's help.
One of the guilties was in the cell that days and had confessed a part of the guilty; Adolf came back to Frankfurt and the hit man told them the rest of the truth: "I was employed as a hit man as Albert and Paul Kirchner to commit the murders by the minister of economy named Martin Moritz. He threatened us not to help us economically if we were not have killed Mrs. Kirchner to get the one million and a half of euros of the debt who had her with him knowing that Elisabeth Kirchner did not want to pay the debt. As Sara tryed to prevent the murder, we decided to simulate a kidnap to mislead the police and we would get it if Paul did not have threatened us to tell it all to the police if we did not gave him a part of the robbery; Albert killed his brother and I killed him after killing his daughter to prevent an eventual Albert's confession!" said to Adolf.
"And why you killed Mrs. Kirchner's butler?" wanted to know Bianka.
Firstly he did not wished to answer it; he hit on the table and began to cry. However, Adolf insisted in and in the end that guy answered the question very angry and tired: "Because when you arrived at Mr.s Kirchner's house, I was in. I listened your conversation with her and I tryed to take the keys to prevent you to know or to have any proof which would be demonstrating that I was involved int too. The butler tryed to stop me with the sword that I used to murder Elisabeth Kirchner but I took the sword and I killed him too. When you went out of the house, I murdered Mrs. Kirchner and I came back to the forest to finish y work and scape. The rest of the story is known by you!" he finished.
The proofs demonstrated that it was certainly and in the end, Adolf, Bianka and the German police officer, arrested the other guilty, the Minister of Economy Martin Moritz, who was trying to escape by plane to Iceland with his family and the one million and a half of euros which was inside his luggage: this suitcase was the last clue of the mystery.
They got his confession and in the evening TV news showed how he was been arrested by them and how the Prime Minister of Germany gave thanks to Adolf and Bianka for solving it brilliantly and help to restore the pace in the country.
Bismarck marriage went to visit Bianka's family who was waiting for their visit and some weeks later, they came back to the U.K. where Harry Barclay was taking care of Karl... At last, their first case was solved!


Era impensable, que un fill seu hagués mort a mans d'un policia, el dia 1 d'octubre de 2017. Tenia divuit anys i es deia Marçal González... Ell era un home feliç i ara, li havien manllevat la vida.
En Jordi González i na Lluna Mondolç, se sentiren horroritzats en saber el què li havia passat a un dels seus fills; i és que en tenien dos: el noi mort —de divuit anys— i Àngel González —de quinze anys (nascut el 25 de desembre de 2003)—.
Aquell jorn, farta de veure el seu marit plorar, anà a la comissaria del barri i ho denuncià. La va atendre un senyor que rondava els trenta anys i que havia estat militar de l'exèrcit espanyol, ja feia uns deu anys.
L'agent va actuar amb indiferència i finalment, la Lluna veient que no en trauria res de bo, decidí tornar a casa i quedar-s'hi tot el dia tancada.
A l'hora de sopar, les rialles de cada dia, no aparegueren en aquella caseta acollidora que donava a la plaça del Diamant.
Quan va ser l'hora, anaren tots a dormir.
Na Lluna, en pensar que no veuria mai més a son fill, se li feia un nus a la gola que li feia més costós respirar profundament.
A mitja nit, es llevà. Era nit de lluna plena i il·luminava tots els racons d'aquella dolça i remota llar, a la qual, la tristor s'hi havia instal·lat i no semblava pas que volgués fugir.
Encengué el llum d'una de les tauletes de nit i obrí el llibre que s'havia comprat el dia que havia sabut la notícia de la mort.
El seu moribund marit, estava adormit com un tronc d'una alzina o d'algun altre arbre.
Sonà el despertador i la Lluna allargà el braç per a apagar-lo. Ja era de dia i el sol entrava al dormitori on descansava plàcidament el matrimoni González.
Tancà el llibre desprès de posar-li el punt i es llevà. Donà un petó al seu espòs per a desitjar-li un bon dia, però aquest continuava sense reaccionar.
Apropà la orella dreta al cor però aquest no bategava... Ai las! Estava mort.
Cridà amb totes les seves forces i l'Àngel anà a veure què passava.
En saber que son pare estava mort i no reaccionava, avisà a la policia que arribà d'un moment a un altre.
L'agent que havia agafat el cas, era aquell mateix tòtil que no n'havia volgut saber res de la violenta mort del seu fill Marçal.
Li ho explicaren tot, però no els cregué fins que tingué els informes del forense... Havia estat assassinat. Però com?
Demanaren ajuda a una fetillera. Els va dir que aquella casa, estava ocupada per les forces malignes i que segurament, havia estat un fantasma o el mateix zombi que havia mort en Marçal.
— Però senyora Dolç, no podem marxar d'aquí... No tenim prous diners per a comprar una altre casa.— digué l'Àngel.
— Ja ho sé, però si volen viure, val més que marxin.
Les intencions de la velleta —més llesta del que es pensaven—, era quedar-se amb l'habitatge i així poder viure de sobres sense preocupar-se de res més. L'Àngel ho intuí i li va replicar que no creien en aquelles coses i que necessitaven un lloc per viure que els permetés arribar a final de mes.
Pel que fa a les investigacions; l'agent López, va arribar a la conclusió que la mort del senyor González, l'havia provocada la seva esposa... Per tant, al cap d'unes setmanes, l'anaren a detenir.
Ella estava desprevinguda —regant les plantes del jardí— i un dels policies saltà el tancat i s'apropà per darrere. No tenia escapatòria quan se'n va adonar i es rendí fàcilment.
El dia 31 d'octubre de 2017, l'Àngel estava a casa seva amb els seus avis tranquil·lament, quan van rebre una visita inesperada. Obrí la porta i al davant dels seus nassos, estava esperant, un zombi que deia ser el tinent Roig.
— Avi Mondolç... Hi ha un zombi a la porta!
— Fes-lo passar, si et plau!
En sentir aquelles paraules el tinent Roig entrà seguit del nét del senyor Josep Mondolç.
El seu avi havia estat un soldat de l'exèrcit republicà a la batalla de l'Ebre i l'Àngel ho sabia perfectament.
Son avi li havia parlat que per part dels franquistes, hi havia un tinent perillosíssim anomenat Sancho Roig perquè havia estat l'autor de diversos homicidis que mai s'havien acabat de resoldre del tot.
— Bona i terrorífica vesprada, senyor Mondolç.
— En què el puc servir, tinent Roig?
— Veig que encara no ha perdut el sarcasme...
— En èpoques de fam i de tristor, el sarcasme i la il·lusió de viure és l'últim que es perd!—. Va respondre l'avi Josep, amb la seva veu de sempre (una veu juvenil que s'assemblava a la dels àngels quan canten cançons celestials).
— Té raó. He sabut, per part d'un dels col·legues que tinc a la guàrdia civil, que en Marçal, el seu nét gran, ha mort el passat 1 d'octubre d'una manera molt tràgica... L'acompanyo en el sentiment!—. Digué mofent-se del que acabava de dir.
— Sí. Què vol de mi, ara?
— Els papers que us van enviar. M'agradaria veure'ls.
El sergent Mondolç, acompanyà al tinent Roig cap al seu despatx on encara guardava els documents en una caixa forta.
L'Àngel el va voler acompanyar, però son avi li ho negà. Pensava que era millor anar una sola persona ja que dos es jugarien la vida.
Obrí amb la clau, l'habitació que feia servir quan les persones més importants el venien a visitar. Encengué el llum però no funcionava.
El zombi portava una llanterna que encengué de seguida.
L'avi Josep entrà i en Sancho tancà la porta sortosament mentre buscava entre les butxaques el mateix ganivet que havia fet servir per buidar el cos d'en Marçal i traure-li la vida a un company seu.
La mare de l'Àngel entrà a casa seva.
Va veure a la senyora Mondolç i el seu fill, preparant una tassa de te pel visitant. Mentre l'estaven col·locant a la tassa per a servir-li amb unes galetes salades el zombi es despedí de les senyores i el senyoret.
Na Lluna, anà a veure on s'havia ficat el seu pare i en veure'l que estava estirat a terra ensangonat, deduí que en Sancho Roig, havia estat el responsable d'aquell homicidi terrorífic i fins hi tot, l'autor de la mort del seu home.
Quan l'Àngel va saber què li havia passat a son avi, va córrer amb la seva mare cap a comissaria.
En Sancho, en veure que eixien a demanar ajuda, entrà un altre cop a la casa, apunyalà a la velleta que estava sola mirant la televisió, fugint en acabat dalt d'una bicicleta que tenia aparcada prop del lloc dels dos homicidis.
La policia acompanyada pels testimonis, en arribar i veure el desastre que havia succeït mentre mare i fill estaven a fora explicant el que els havia succeït, començà a investigar de valent per treure'n l'entrellat.
Al matí següent, quan es llevaren i posaren la ràdio, escoltaren que l'escola electoral on en Marçal havia estat el president de mesa, havia estat destruïda per un artefacte atòmic i que el més assenyat era no sortir de casa ja que els gasos escampats per l'aire podien fer-los morir.
A mitja tarda, mentre l'Àngel estava llegint un dels llibres que sempre li havien atret i la Lluna estava fent mitja a la sala d'estar, en Sancho Roig, tornà a aparèixer i mentre ella estava pendent de la bufanda que feia pel seu fill i regalar-li el dia del seu aniversari li sortís bé, aprofità l'ocasió i l'occí.
Tot seguit, pujà a l'habitació del noi per acabar la feina d'una vegada per totes, però el noi fou més fort i aconseguí escapar-se'n de les mans del zombi assassí.
Caminà durant hores i hores cap al nord per fugir del país i es refugià en un hostal per a passar la nit, prop de Perpinyà.
Mentre sopava observà a les notícies que l'estaven buscant a ell per a condemnar-lo a cadena perpètua. L'acusaven d'haver mort a tota la seva família.
L'Àngel González sabia qui havia estat i que no tardaria en saber-ho la gent que l'envoltava.
Entre tant, l'única solució que li quedava era fugir cap a casa dels seus oncles a Saint-Étienne i refugiar-s'hi allí fins que s'acabés tota aquella història de mal gust.
Fou l'únic supervivent de la família González que quedà viu.



— ¿Sí? ¿Quién es?— dijo el profesor Arturo Velázquez, el cual, después de vestirse y preparar el equipaje para irse de viaje con su esposa Carmen a Bilbao, recibió una llamada en el despacho de su mansión que tuvo que atender inmediatamente.
— Pertenezco a un grupo de contraespionaje; trabajo para los republicanos y queremos que nos ayude. Deseamos que ocupe la plaza de uno de nuestros espías ya retirados y vaya a 1936 con su máquina del tiempo para detener el conflicto bélico que pronto causará el caos de la población en dicha época y perderán sus derechos y libertades porque la guerra será ganada por los franquistas.
Se lo pensó durante unos minutos y al fin aceptó la proposición.
Así fue cómo aquel 18 de julio de 2023 el profesor Velázquez y su amigo Juan Martínez se reunieron otra vez para emprender la que sería su primera misión como agentes secretos a sueldo de los rebeldes que anhelaban proclamar la República perdida por sus abuelos hacía ya unas cuantas décadas.
Arturo besó a su mujer antes de subir a su nave espacial y se despidió de su hermano Ángel que ansiaba ir con ellos pero al ser un famoso poeta y tener a alguien a quién alimentar —pues éste era padre de dos hijos llamados Miguel y Ainara y marido de una chica joven cuyo nombre era Azucena—, se quedó en el siglo XXI ya que, sin duda alguna, ya tendría la ocasión de ir con ellos más adelante cuando uno de los dos enfermara y no pudiera contribuir en la salvación del mundo.
Al cabo de unos instantes la máquina empezó a girar sobre sí misma, entró en el agujero de gusano que les había proporcionado la ayuda necesaria para poder viajar por primera vez en el tiempo y horas más tarde aterrizaron en una villa cerca de Madrid: Aranjuez. Cogieron sus maletas respectivas y bajaron al pueblo.
Pidieron dos habitaciones en el hostal donde se encontrarían con su contacto en dicho año y hecháronse a descansar. Pronto descubrieron que no estaban solos en la habitación; alguien les estaba espiando detrás del armario pero su cansancio pudo más y en seguida entraron en un sueño profundo.
Juan, al despertarse, no sabía a dónde se encontraban. Despertó a su amigo Arturo y con éste empezaron a averiguar el lugar dónde les habían encerrado tratando también de recordar qué les había sucedido antes de dormirse.
El profesor Velázquez recordó el rostro del posadero y supuso que fue él mismo quien, antes de entrar en la habitación del albergue, les había ofrecido unos vinos con la substancia que les había causado el sueño repentino. Mientras se lo habían tomado, les había preguntado si querían que les subiera el equipaje, ellos habían contestado afirmativamente a su preposición y finalmente éste, una vez los hubo llevado a la estancia que les había dado, se encerró en el guardarropa de la alcoba de los dos amigos para secuestrarles cuando se echaran a la cama para descansar. ¿Quién era y qué quería de ellos?
Alguien abrió la puerta de la celda y entró un hombre de mediana edad, con cabello azabache canoso, bigote al estilo del famoso detective belga Hércules Poirot. Llevaba unas gafas con unos cristales redondos y vestía una americana marrón oscuro, una camisa blanca, unos pantalones vaqueros. También llevaba puestos unos guantes de seda blancos y utilizaba un bastón para sujetarse de pie y por sombrero, un sombrero de copa alta inglés.
— ¿Qué tal durmieron mis invitados?—. Les preguntó con una voz grave como la de un tenor y se echó a reír diabólicamente.— ¿Les gusta la estancia que les he dado?
— ¡Por supuesto que no!—. Exclamó Arturo.— ¿Dónde estamos? ¿A dónde nos ha traído? ¿Quién es usted?—. Le preguntó él, un poco molesto porque intuía que corrían peligro y quería marcharse de allí lo antes posible.
— Soy franquista; trabajo para el caudillo y mientras dormían les he registrado para saber quienes eran los que se hospedaban en mi posada y qué hacían en Aranjuez. He descubierto que eran espías republicanos y les he detenido por orden de don Francisco Franco.
— ¿Y qué nos hará ahora?—. Quiso saber Juan Martínez.— ¿Nos aniquilará para evitar que pongamos remedio al conflicto que han iniciado ustedes?—. Terminó de preguntar.
— ¡Evidentemente que no!—. Exclamó irónicamente y añadió poco después:— Los torturaremos y después les fusilaremos a los dos para impedir el éxito de su misión y devolver la cordura a los españoles porque, los republicanos la han secuestrado.
Sin despedirse de ellos, salió del calabozo y cerró la puerta. Arturo y Juan se miraron mutuamente preguntándose con la mirada qué debían hacer y cómo saldrían de allí.
Juan Martínez actuó rápidamente... Buscó un agujero por dónde salir pero no lo encontró. Sin embargo, encontró la solución al enigma: palpó los bolsillos de su pantalón buscando el revólver que había cogido por si se encontraban en peligro y lo encontró; se lo puso detrás para utilizarlo cuando entrara otra vez el individuo y dispararle para poder huir pero este no volvió hasta la hora de cenar.
A las 6 de la tarde el sargento volvió a aparecer. Les traía una barra de pan y una jarra de agua por si querían algo de comer y el señor Martínez sacó el arma, le disparó en la pierna izquierda y los dos amigos cerraron la mazmorra con llave huyendo a toda prisa antes que los vigilantes les pudiesen detener de nuevo.
Cogieron prestada la Regnault 4L que estaba aparcada delante de la jefatura de policía del bando franquista y traspasaron la frontera dirigiéndose al Madrid republicano.
Llegaron a la casa residencial del presidente de la República Española y los soldados que vigilaban la verja del palacete les detuvieron queriendo saber quiénes eran y qué querían del jefe de Estado.
Enseñaron sus insignias que les acreditaba cómo agentes secretos republicanos y les dejaron entrar. Mientras aparcaban la camioneta sintieron a dos cabos de la guardia personal del presidente que hablaban sobre éste y el comportamiento que tenía últimamente.
Se acercaron y les preguntaron que sucedía con don Niceto Alcalá Zamora. Los dos contestaron a la vez lo que pasaba con él y les explicaron que Niceto se había reunido junto con la delegación republicana que trataba de decretar la paz entre la República y el ejército rebelde con Franco para pactar la rendición de los republicanos en frente de los fascistas.
— ¡Debemos hacer algo antes de que pase!—. Exclamó en seguida Juan Martínez.
— ¿Y qué propones?— le preguntó Arturo.— ¿Cuál es tu plan para evitar que esto suceda?—. Quiso saber el profesor Velázquez.
— Encarcelarlos y ejecutarlos sin que el Eje se entere— propuso uno de los cabos viendo que Juan no contestaba.— Tenemos a los rusos comunistas, a los anarquistas y a las brigadas internacionales para hacerlo.—. Añadió aquél soldado, que no debía pasar los diez y siete años de edad.
— ¡Muy bién!; ¡Lo haremos!—. Contestó Arturo.— Antes debemos preparar el plan y contárselo a Niceto.—. Añadió Velázquez.
Pasaron toda la noche en vela planeando qué harían y qué utilizarían para que todo saliese a la perfección. Mientras esto lo hacían los cabos —pues ellos eran expertos en planificar misiones y ejecutarlas—, Arturo y Juan salieron del cuartel general republicano y antes de llegar a la zona franquista se vistieron con unos uniformes de soldado falangista para pasar desapercibidos y averiguar cuáles eran las intenciones de los fascistas.
Descubrieron que Franco quería invadir la zona republicana por tierra y por aire; de la invasión aérea se encargarían los escuadrones alemanes, con su legión cóndor y entre italianos y españoles fascistas atacarían por tierra pues, a pesar de haberse rendido los republicanos, no tenía lo suficiente como para terminar con la guerra y deseaba aniquilarlos antes de que pudieran alzarse contra la dictadura que dirigiría él desde la capital de España de siempre —y dónde un día se habían instalado definitivamente los reyes del Imperio Español que conquistó medio mundo bajo el mando de los monarcas austríacos Carlos I y Felipe II de Habsburgo, que, a causa de los acontecimientos que vivió la corona (y que no recordaremos ya que sería largo de contar), se vió reducido exclusivamente a una parte de la península ibérica; la otra era habitada por los flamantes portugueses que solamente, durante el siglo de oro, pudieron ocupar Brasil—: Madrid.
Cuando terminaron de saber los planes que tenían los falangistas volvieron a la zona republicana, se vistieron otra vez con los trajes de espía de la república y regresaron a la sede del gobierno democrático —lo he escrito en cursiva porque la democracia nunca ha existido (y menos en el lugar dónde nació porque el gobierno atenés de la época socrática condenó a muerte a Sócrates por hacer pensar a los jóvenes) al 100%, pues siempre ha habido algo parecido a un sistema democrático llamado demoligarquía (democracia + oligarquía), un sistema político donde los ricos avariciosos aniquilan y esclavizan al proletariado— para contar lo que habían descubierto y perfeccionar el proyecto que utilizarían para derrotar a los revoltados.
Lo terminaron de redactar antes del alba y cuando llegó don Alcalá Zamora con su limousine, pidieron al presidente una reunión urgente con él. La aceptó y le narraron todo lo sucedido.
Al terminar de escucharlos, llamó al jefe del Estado Mayor de las brigadas internacionales, al secretario general del partido comunista y a los representantes de las diferentes agrupaciones anarquistas para explicarles que había decidido hacer frente a los rebeldes y necesitaba ayuda para ejecutar la misión planificada por Arturo, Juan y los dos cabos dónde éstos serían los responsables de llevarla a cabo.
En tres meses y medio Franco y sus secuaces, los nazis, los fascistas y parte de la Iglesia española habían sido encarcelados y ejecutados; por ende, su propósito había concluido y todo volvía al orden una vez más porque la república había sido instaurada de nuevo y la población había recuperado sus derechos y libertades.
Arturo Velázquez y Juan Martínez, una vez condecorados por el gobierno de la República Española, se despidieron de sus amigos y regresaron a su casa felices de haber logrado el éxito de su primera aventura como espías.
Los vitorearon cuando aterrizaron en su época; ¿qué les sucedería a continuación? ¿Habían conseguido, por fin, devolver la paz al mundo o, por el contrario, los rebeldes republicanos les pedirían otro viaje en el tiempo? Pues no lo sabían... Lo que sí sabían —y eso les hacía sentir muy faustos— es que habían puesto otro granito de arena para humanizar un mundo que se estaba derrumbando cada vez más delante de ellos y no podían hacer nada para detenerlo.

dimarts, 9 de juny del 2020


Benvolgut lector,

Aquí trobarà algun dels premis dels contes publicats en aquest bloc. Espero que no ho tingui en compte a l'hora de fer crítiques constructives.

Els premis estan dividits en dos apartats:


Aquí trobaran tots els premis que he obtingut a wattpad.


  • 3r Lugar en la 3a edición de LA MEJOR HISTORIA 2020 celebrado por la editorial de wattpad CSEdiciones en la categoría de One-Shot.


  • 2º Lugar en los SCARLETT AWARDS 2019 celebrado por la editorial de wattpad CSEdiciones en la categoría de Historia Corta.

  • 1r Lugar en los DULCE NAVIDAD 2019 celebrado por la editorial de wattpad Dulce Constelación en la categoría de Historia Corta.

  • Único ganador en los CAPRICORNIO AWARDS 2020 celebrado por el perfil de wattpad PremiosPlanetas en su libro PREMIOS QUINCENALES en una categoría que se unificó por falta de concursantes ya que solamente fuimos 4 participantes. A parte de ser el único ganador recibí los siguientes premios:

    - Escritor destacado.
    - Mejores personajes.
    - Historia más original.
    - Historia más emocionante.
    - Sinopsis/Prólogo más atractivo.

  • Ganador de los CARROT AWARDS 2020celebrado por la editorial de wattpad Carrot Family en la categoría de Historia Original en la modalidad de Historia Corta: 



    Aquí trobaran altres premis que he obtingut fora de wattpad.


Adolf von Bismarck was a twenty five years old man who was from Dortmund and was living in a city of the coast of the United Kingdom. He was borned the 28th of December 1991 and he had met his best friend and associate in Glasgow two years before when he was investigating a killing which had occurred in the city centre of that scottish village, the main town of the nation. The inspector of the case was named Harry Barclay, a twenty three years old boy who was borned in Edinbourgh the 23rd of December 1993, his best friends were and are Peter Smith and John McWilde and nowadays was a private detective as him.
Mr. Bismarck had married with Anne Hatherwood and he had a twin babies; one boy and one girl: the boy was named Ansgar as a german colonel who was one of the most important secret agents in the second world war who had worked by MI 6, the british intelligent service. The girl was named Mary as one of Adolf's girlfriends who had his father when he was eighteen years old. Adolf had a dark brown chestnut wavy hair and a dark brown eyes too; he was tall and thin, he had a black moustache and beard and he weared green glasses. Bismarck weared also a white shirt, a blue tie, a grey jacket and jeans, a black top hat and a handgun in the pocket of his overcat in case he would live a danger in one of the cases that he had to solve. He was driving a grey BMW which he had bought a year before of his 30st birthday; they were living in a cottage near the city of Maldon in the county of Essex.
Mr. Barclay was a scottish Police Service of Scotland inspector who resigned of his rank when he finished to solve the killing with Adolf's help and had become a private detective, founding a private investigation firm with his german friend in London. He was married two days after of the foundation with a scottish novelist named Elisabeth McFloyd. Nine months later Barclay marriage had a baby girl who they baptised as Diana Olivia Barclay and a baby boy who they named Gareth William Barclay. They decided to designate Adolf von Bismarck as her godfather. Harry had a brown straight hair and a black eyes also; he was a medium-sized height man, he weared a black french moustache and a bit of beard. He weared too a green jacket, a blue jeans, a white shirt and a black bow tie. He spokes English and German and a bit of French also. He was driving a brown Citroën C3 which he had bought one day after of his daughter's birth; they were living in a comfortable house in the ancient part of Ashford in the county of Kent. In his free time he wrote poetry and short stories.
That day of June they met in the office at eight o'clock because a woman wanted their services: her husband had been killed by someone the night before when he was coming back to his house with a valise where a million and a half of pounds of the British Bank were inside of it and the killer had robbed it after killing him. The woman, an odd and dubious lady who was named Sara Winedrive, had received a note from the guilty threatening her that if she would tell something to the police, he would kill her too.
As they hadn't eat anything since the beginning of the morning, they offered her a cup of coffee and some fruit to eat with them whilst they were talking with her about the murder. When they finished to ask her about it, Mr. Bismarck went with Mr. Barclay and Mrs. Winedrive by his BMW to the street where the killing had happened. They saw the authorities were analysing the body of the victim and searching some clues or something like that to help them to incriminate to someone the murder.
As Harry Barclay recognised the commissioner who had the case wanted to ask her some questions about it. He urged to know who had seen the victim and roughly the hour of the crime. The police officer answered him all the questions and gave him the address of an alleged testimony who had told them that he had seen it all: the testimony was living in Doncaster, a village of South Yorkshire county.
While Harry Barclay had went to the railway station of London St. Pancrass-King's Cross to buy the tickets for the train, Adolf von Bismarck saw Sara Windrive to her house and called his old friend Arthur Martinson to protect her just in case (he did not want to let him to kill her and was for their fault). After that, they met again in the tenth platform of the station and they took the Master Cutler train of the East Midlands line which departed from London at 17:02 of that afternoon and arrived at Doncaster at 18:45 approximately.
They leaved the compartment and the carriage and they went out of the station of Doncaster. In the end, they took a taxi and ordered to the taxi driver to see them to the inn of the village. They booked two bedrooms, they ate a dish of fish and chips and whilst Adolf von Bismarck was in his bedroom calling Arthur Hatherwood to know how was Mrs. Winedrive, Harry Barclay located the testimony and asked him to visit him that night or the next morning. The man answered him that for him, it was better to meet the next morning because he was with his wife and his children in his home, eating the dinner and watching a film in the television.
When Mr. Bismarck finished to talk with Mr. Hatherwood and met the worst had happened in Mrs. Winedrive's house from London, he talked with Harry and they decided that Harry would talk with the testimony the following day and Adolf would go to London to know how she was been killed and why.
The next morning, Adolf took the Master Cutler in Sheffield at 7:25 to come back to London and his associate Harry Barclay went to visit the man who the commissioner recommended him to talk about the mystery. Mr. Bismarck arrived in London at 9:25 and by a taxi, he went Mrs. Winedrive's house to see Arthur and asked him some questions about the crime.
As it was a weekly day, the traffic jam of London was become a difficult for him and they arrived at Winedrive's mansion at half past ten. The taxi driver parked hist taxi opposite Winedrive's residence, Adolf ordered him to wait for his going out and he rang the bell of the house. Arthur opened it saying him hello and asking him what had gone, the night before, for them.
Mr. Martinson guided Adolf to the living room while he said him hello and answered him how was him. "Do you know the roughly time of the murder?" Adolf asked him also while he was putting his jacket in the coat stand and he was sitting on the sofa between the table and the armchair in the biggest and the most comfortable room he has ever been since his birth.
"I think it was 9 o'clock post meridiem when I listened the gunshots in her bedroom. I was in mine and I went to see Sara... I found her corpse. I called Scotland Yard and when they arrived they arrested me as the main suspicious of the crime. They found my fingerprints in the handgun, the murder weapon. Nevertheless, I think the killer used gloves to do it. Do you think the same, Mr. Bismarck?" he asked him.
"I think so!" answered Adolf. "Mr. Martinson, where the handgun was when the killing occurred and you was in your bedroom?" asked Adolf when Harry Barclay called him to tell him what the testimony said. However, Adolf von Bismarck didn't take the phone call; he wanted to know all the things of the murder.
"My handgun it was on the table in her bedroom as a precaution. I think it was there!" Arthur answered nervously.
"And where the police found the murder weapon?" asked Adolf again while he was going to the kitchen with Arthur to prepare a cup of tea to drink thinking that that questioning would last all the morning.
"Near Winedrive's bed. I think it was there too!" answered Arthur again.
They went to Sara's bedroom and Adolf began to find the gloves. He found the evidence beneath the bed and with Arthur, he went to the police station to see the forensic surgeon and analyze the clue. The forensic surgeon was a young woman who had the most wonderful blonde straight hair that Adolf has ever seen; more beautiful than his wife's hair... And the most beautiful blue eyes he has ever seen... He fell in love of her immediately.
"Good job!" the forensic surgeon said when she finished the task. Adolf saw her badge: her name was Bianka Hoffman; she was german too. "I find some fingerprints. I introduce the datum in the Scotland Yard database and I find someone who has the same fingerprints: the someone is a thirty years old man who was lanky and slim, he has a blonde unswerving hair, a green eyes, a potato nose and some beard. He is living in Doncaster. I think I can give you his address!" she said with a sweetie soprano voice and a bit of german accent.
Before leaving the police station Adolf gave her thanks for her help and asked her in German which was her name, where did she live and he asked her also for his age.
Bianka thought the answers for some minutes and answered in German his questions and, in the end, she asked him the same queries self-consciously: "Ich heiße Bianka Hoffman. Ich bin 28 jahre alt und Ich wohne in London. Wie heißen Sie? Wie alt sind Sie? Wo wohnen Sie?" she asked him also.
"Ich heiße Adolf von Bismarck, Ich bin 28 jahre alt und Ich wohne in Maldon." he answered before Bianka, who fell in love of him too because he was a german guy as her, kissed him and begun their extramarital affair.
When they said goodbye, Adolf saw Arthur Martinson to his house and he bought a 1st class ticket for the evening Master Cutler and he came back to Sheffield by train.
During the travel, he phoned Harry and he told him what had happened in London. Harry explained him what the testimony told him: as the commissioner said, he knew the truth about it and saw how the killer killed Mr. Winedrive near Oxford Street. The testimony recognised the killer because the murderer was one of his village neighbours and of course, the description was the same as Bianka gave him also.
The train arrived at the Doncaster station at the same hour as the afternoon before. He took his jacket and his hat and when he went out of the train he had a gratifying surprise: Harry Barclay was in the station waiting for him with a taxi driver who drove them to the inn of the village.
The taxi driver was tall and skinny, he had a blonde uncrooked hair, an emerald eyes, a tattie front end and several stubble. Adolf thought for a moment that was the killer however, when he began to talk with him, he met that he had an identical twin who was living in his daddy's castle in the outskirts of that hospitable village of South Yorkshire district.
After the dinner with his friend Harry, a waiter gave some good news to Adolf: the killer wanted to see them the next day in his house at 11:00 a.m. to tell them how and why he killed Winedrive marriage but in exchange he wanted to go out of the country at the same night.
Adolf told to Harry what had happened and they decided to accept the offer. After all, it was the only thing they had at the moment. Surely he would not to be the killer but he would tell them who was the man or the woman had taken him as a hit man.
They woke up at six o'clock and they saw the television. Mrs. Emily O'Donnell, the police officer who was investigating the Winedrive marriage murder, with the help of the investigating judge of that case, had arrested and jailed Arthur Martinson as Winedrive marriage killer.
At half past ten, they went out of the hotel and they went to visit their main suspicious. He was living in a castle near the town where they had spend the two nights before the search of the man who organised all the killing. They arrived at eleven o'clock and Harry knocked the door. A man opened it and he invited them to drink with him a cup of coffee and to confess a part of his guilty. He began to talk with them in his living room.
The castle was his father's property, one of the richest english gentlemens who lived nad was borned in the United Kingdom during the first world war and nowadays, the most important prime minister of the U. K. It lived some pillagings during the civil (and religion) wars, the most important plundering had happened during the Rising of the North.
"I am going to confess you my guilty!" he began to talk. "Nevertheless, before doing it, I want to tell you that I have an identical twin in this town who is the only taxi driver; the same that Adolf confused the night before when you were coming back to the guesthouse and he persuaded me to do this declaration: it was a cold and windy night of november, two years before Windrive marriage murder. I met with the president with the British Bank who was Mr. Winedrive's most enemy. James Winedrive it was a banker from the same bank as the person who hired me to kill them which one day he met the financial bleaching and the corruption plot of the British Bank which would made run short of their houses two thousand of british people to benefit the govern. My father, the british Prime Minister, wanted it too!" told to Harry and Adolf who were recording the conversation with a voice and film recorder which was inside their luggage.
"Continue please, talking about it, what the president of the British Bank wanted to do with you and the plan to make it!" said Harry Barclay.
"Of course, James Winedrive, when he met that, he went to tell the police what had happened in the British Bank. Some of the main police officers of Scotland Yard and from all the British Police were inside of this corruptions conspiracy hired by the Prime Minister and the president of the British Bank!" he continued. "However, he couldn't do anything because  the commissioner who paid him attention, Mrs. Emily O'Donnell, was involved in. I suppose that the investigating judge who condemned today Mr. Martinson is involved in too!" he added. "And when Mrs. O'Donnell told it to the president of the British Bank, the president wanted to meet with me in a pub of Greenwich to hire me as a hit man and plan the murder." finished the hit man who took the cup of coffee and finished to drink it also.
"Thank you!" answered Adolf. We are going to tell it to the newspaper THE GUARDIAN and publish the information. After that, the British Police will arrest the guilties and you will go out of the country as a hero.
They said goodbye and they took the train to come back to London. That evening newspaper published the news with their help and BBC interviewed the hit man.
Bianka talked with the chief superintendent and this, with the help of some police officers and police agents who were not involved in the crime and with Adolf and Harry's help, thye arrested the investigating judge of the case, Emily O'Donnell and her henchmen's, the president of the British Bank and the Prime Minister also.
As a bounty for solving the case, Harry Barclay was appointed as the new chief constable of the Kent Police and the commissioner of the south of Kent county —his predecessor was involved in— and Adolf von Bismarck had to employ Bianka Hoffman as his associate in his private investigation firm owing to the vacancy which was leaved by his friend Harry.